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Web developer
a selfie

Hi, I'm Ben!

I'm a 3rd year Computer Science major at UC San Diego. I started exploring web development in November of 2022 and have been loving every second of it. After learning and building projects for almost a year, I joined an early-stage startup called Tramona and took the role of lead developer, where I've gained lots of experience doing full-stack web development with a team and working in a larger codebase.

My skills

I know:

  • Typescript
  • React, Next.js (/app & /pages)
  • tRPC
  • Zod
  • SQL, noSQL, Data modeling
  • Prisma ORM
  • Drizzle ORM
  • shadcn/ui & Radix Primitives
  • Svelte, SvelteKit
  • Tailwind
  • Firebase (Firestore, Auth, Rules)
  • Git, GitHub
  • Python
  • Figma

I'm familiar with:

  • Go
  • Java
  • C, C++
  • numpy, pandas, matplotlib
  • Keras
  • R
  • Godot, GDScript

My projects

I am available to do part-time internships or freelancing. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact me at !

January - March 2023

A resdesign of UC San Diego's course catalog

I thought this project would be an easy way to practice frontend: I would just scrape the UCSD course catalog with a bit of Python and make a better-looking one.

I couldn't have been more wrong.

The HTML structure (and the text content) of the UCSD course catalog is so messy and inconsistent, that the first month of the project was spent just on the scraping. It took over 500 lines of Python (and some manual fixes) to parse, filter, organize, and interlink the 6,888 courses across 82 pages.

The result is 82 lists of interlinked courses that you can switch between and save links to.

Scraping repo